
..Note.. You can contact me on discord Yeurimaru. You can also contact me through CCC but it's prefered if you use my discord.

..Side Notes.. Use the buttons below to navigate through my card!

..Note.. So far the roles I've got are Ladies in waiting, Moms, or Buillies. If you click the images you will be directed to the Youtube videos with time stamps of my lines!

..Side Notes..
- My first Main role was in A Night Call
- I can change my voice to be semi-high pitched or medium-toned.

..Note.. Some of my side roles that I got! These roles have little screen time. Although they are small roles I still try my best on them.

..Side Note.. I always say a role is a role. I meant it- Side roles are a good way for me to practice. I really want better roles, but side roles are good for experience.

..Note.. These are the very talented people I'm currently or have worked with. These are the people that currently have videos posted with me voice acting in them.

..Side Note.. These are links to the channels. You can also click on the photos.

Evilo,Feeoh,VesperiaProductions,Kyng//MinecraftRoleplays,Pizzagamer450,Munchkinz,Cymbeline Productions,SilentKnightProductions,Sunrise Studios,


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